Dream Sleeper Mini tips: refilling freshwater tank, using the tap & other common issues

Spaceships Crew
Last Updated: 4 months ago

The Dream Sleeper Mini campervan has a different lay-out and set-up than the rest of the Spaceships fleet. Yet its features are just as easy to use. Let's focus on some of the common issues or most asked questions about the freshwater tank, the water tap and how use these.

Filling the freshwater tank of the Dream Sleeper Mini

The freshwater refill point is located at the rear of the vehicle, on the left side of the kitchen.

  1. Open the flap.

  2. Insert the supplied water hose into the opening you see after lifting the flap.

  3. Turn on the tap at the water source where you've connected the other end of the hose to allow the freshwater to flow into the tank.

  4. Once the tank is full, turn off the water. You'll know the tank is full when it starts to overflow.

How do we know the freshwater tank is full?

When you see water coming out of the bottom of the campervan - that's the automatic overflow system - the freshwater tank is full.

The tap doesn't work - even though we filled the tank

If your freshwater tank is full but you're having trouble getting water from the tap, there may be an air bubble in the waterline. To resolve this, place your hand over the end of the tap where the water usually flows out, then use the tap as if you're pumping water. Repeat this a few times while keeping your hand over the tap opening. This should help release the air bubble.

Once done, remove your hand and try the tap again. You should see the water flowing normally, and the issue will be resolved.

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