I selected (early) 'after-hours' so why is there a pick-up time on my booking?

Spaceships Crew
Last Updated: 1 year ago

Here's detailed info about the (early) after-hours pick-up process.

  • Early after-hours = picking up between midnight and 8am.

  • After-hours = picking up between 5pm and midnight

It doesn't matter how early or how late you will be a the depot. Early after-hours and after-hours aren't fixed to a specific time but to a time frame (see the info above).

As a computer cannot understand these time frames, your booking confirmation will show a specific time within the (early) after-hours time frame. No worries, you can pick up your campervan between midnight and 8am or between 5pm and midnight.

Only when you are picking up during office hours, you have a fixed pick-up time. Then you are booked in at a specific time and we do appreciate you honouring that time. When you have selected (early) after-hours there's more flexibility as it's an unmanned, automated process.

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