How can I lock the price and think about it before making a booking?

Spaceships Crew
Last Updated: 7 months ago

At Spaceships we have given our customers - Space Travellers - all the power. Our online booking system gives you access to the most up-to-date availability and price data, the same data our crew uses. It'll always gives you the lowest price available on your date/route combo. If a deal or discount is active it will be applied automatically.

When checking the detailed info of your road trip on our online booking system - after selecting the date/route combo and campervan type, you have the option to make a booking or send a quote.

Create & send a quote to lock the price

When you send the quote to your email address it is officially saved into our booking system, which means you have locked the price of that quote. You then have X days to think about before the quote expires. X varies as it depends on the season, usually quotes are valid between 3 and 7 days, which is the time you have to think about it. This is mentioned clearly in the quote email you will receive.

By creating & sending that quote you have locked the price into our system, so even if the price increases in the next few days, you can still turn that quote into a booking at that lower price on your quote... As long as your quote hasn't expired. Therefore you shouldn't think too long about it, because once your quote expires you can't get it back.

So as soon as you have decided you want to make the booking, and the quote is still valid, you can turn it into a booking via the link in the quote email or be going to our quote booking system. Then follow the steps and boom your quote is turned into a booking.

Options our booking system gives you: make booking now (green button) or create quote (blue button)

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